Device Management Support

This support provides full or co-management of security software and devices which encompasses firewalls, web security gateway and virtualization systems using best practices applied by experts. RockSecure Device Management Support benefits customers in four ways: 

AWARENESS of what's really on your network: Assures the correct configuration of the security device for maximum surveillance and defensive capabilities; ensures the availability of a full record of network activity for incident detection and remediation.

INSURANCE against unnecessary risks: Eliminates the risk of the device lagging behind the latest revisions from vendors and the latest thinking on industry best practices.

DEFENSE against malicious attacks: Ensures protection of customer's network by the security device against the latest threats, whether or not that threat has been observed on the customer network.

COMPREHENSIVE views of security activity across your enterprise: Accommodates local policy and operational requirements of different subnets and assets in the security device's configuration for minimizing false alarms and maximizing the device's functionality.

Security Device Management
Perimeter Defence Security
Network Security
Host Security
Application Security
Data Security

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